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Dreams and Spirituality

Posted on by Ellice Sanchez
aliens watching earth on TV

Dreams and Spirituality

I feel like I can do more living in my dreams than waking life sometimes. Especially during this pandemic, I have been lucky to not wake up to an alarm on most days, which is really conducive to dreaming. That being said, if you are someone who remembers your dreams, you might be able to categorize or tag the dreams into different clusters.

I used to write down every dream I had when I was younger, but it would take 2 – 3 hours of writing to capture the detail and duration of my dreams, so I just stopped. This would have been in my highschool or college age.

As an adult, currently 34 years old as writing this, I don’t write much dreams down, but I did write a few and sent it to the person who was my best friend. At the time, I naively thought by writing it to him, I would be logging it for my records too, but he deleted our years of chat history and friendship, so I must try to re-create those writings here. I suppose I continued that by writing my dreams to other friends sometimes or myself on my phone now.

Per my first-hand experience these are the different types of dreams one can have, bare in mind, some of these have overlap. Also, just because I have not experienced a type does not mean it is not a thing for someone else.

Fleeting Dreams

These are the more typical dreams you are most familiar with. You aren’t really the conscious driver of the dream, and you might forget about it a few minutes after waking. They might involve re-caps of what you did in your day. This can even be reactionary and instinctual in your reactions. Your might also find things happen against your will, like they just happen like a train you can’t stop.

Astral Projection Dreams

These are potentially dreams that start in your bedroom, but don’t always have to be the case.

For instance, you might realize you are conscious, but not in your body. You might find yourself in your bedroom. Sometimes when I have these types of dreams, I will verify I am in the astral state, so I don’t damage my real body. It is a bit comical that I would be cautious like this on the soul level, but it seems I do. I might press myself through a wall or glass to verify I am in spirit, and then once I have that verified, I will then be like, “I am astral protecting… what cool thing will I do next?” I have chosen to visit my former friend in my spirit state, sometimes I will go other places, like a river or ocean and often times breath under water; occasionally, I will fly.

I also had a dream where I, the least god-centric person, met god in an astral projection of all things. You can read that in detail here.

You could also be in a fleeting dream or other dream state, and then convert it to an astral projection dream too. Sometimes in my fleeting dreams, mobile phones, my Tesla Model 3, microwaves, or electronics don’t work. Patterns might go out of control (like cobblestone flooring). Or my fish won’t stay confined to their fish tank. When I realize something is out of the ordinary, I can sometimes realize I am dreaming and then launch into something else. An example of this:

I recall I was having a semi-stressful dream in my parents’ dream-version of their house (as is it did not adhere exactly to the waking life floor plan). Once I realized it was a dream though, I said, ‘How can I make this cool?” I then opened the door, to reveal a deck beside a beautiful river, dove off the side of the deck and proceeded to breath under blue water with the fish.

Conscious Dreams

You might have other dreams where you don’t entirely steer the ship, but you know you are dreaming and enjoy the ride,

For instance, I have had a dream where I knew I was dreaming, inhabiting the body of someone on a different planet. It was an ocean-world from what I could see with low water everywhere. In waking life I am vegan, but I knew I was dreaming, so I felt no guilt about reaching down and eating a clam-like creature as harvested from the sand/water under my feet. I suppose this is like going with the flow with joy.

Another way to consider conscious dreaming might be when you instantly manifest what you need. Want to see a river, just go beyond the hill top and look down at a grand and vast river. What to travel to another state, walk your feet on a map, and then you are at your destination. Your solution is offered as soon as you want it.

More-Real-Than-Life Dream

Oh man. I have so many of these. I know not everyone will have a dream that feels more real than life, but if you have one or many, the feeling is completely unmistakable. 

  • For example sake, the Ghost Dream referenced below is an example of this. That cat ghost dream also happened around the time frame I had this next dream, text as sampled from the much longer saga of the series of more-real-than-life dreams with this particular guy:
  • This was right after I met a guy: It is as I would describe, the most pleasing dream-encounter I have had. His soul met me in a dream, and I guess wanted to impress me sexually. I did not share this dream with the guy in waking life, but I did on his ‘exit’ dream, listed next.
  • I think it was in April 2021, maybe a month or two off, that I had a dream with my friend in it. It was again a dream that felt more real than life. He told me that he was going to leave me and I knew it too be true. I did not try to change his mind or path. I accepted the message and cried. I felt pure gratitude, a feeling I had been less experienced with at the time. It was such an intense gratitude. “I was just happy to have known him,” is what I thought in the dream. I continued hugging him and crying until the dream was over. When I woke up, I texted my friend and told him about what happened, but he did not think it was anything more than a rogue, meaningless dream. If you read that blog post, the dream ended up being true,

Ghost Dreams

Well, I only directly know one human who has died, my grandma. It happened when I was young and it did not require any closure. What did devastate me was the loss of one of my cats. I have had many cats before, some dying of age-related problems, one dying when struck by a car, but in those cases, as saddening as it was I had closure. I knew what happened and they weren’t coming back.

With my cat Simba, my poor brave boy helped me so much. As a kitten, he bravely walked out of the woods at my parents house, and into the house. He grew up and lived in-and-out of the house as he pleased. His sister liked living in my bedroom, and I would let her out through the window; she’d typically come back within 24 hours. I moved them to my first apartment, and then to this house that I now live in.

Not long after moving in to the house of my own, I got into an abusive relationship. If I could go back into time, I would warn myself to not accept the guy from the start; hopefully, I did so in a parallel universe. In hind sight, it was so obvious, but one of the early red flags was the guy verbalizing that between the two cats, Lily would be the favoured one and Simba would be the one he did not like, for no good reason. I think the guy did not like the strength that Simba had and the guy needed to break his spirit to feel more powerful himself. There were some times where the guy would chase and taunt Simba, waking him and scaring him from any of his safe spots. Even with the cat under the bed, the guy would shove my broom to “flush him out” for no reason. He even went so far as to trap the cat in the cat carrier and blow smoke into his face, causing the that to break his tooth trying to bite his way out or the cage. I felt bad, because the guy sucked my money away, even causing me to lose my job, and I did not have enough money to have the vet treat the tooth.

Towards the end of the relationship, the guy would not allow me to sleep, similar to the cat, waking me from the bed, then me trying to sleep on the plain floor in a spare room, waking me again, yelling in my face. After one of those rampages, I found myself sitting outside in the backyard, just crying, wishing I was dead to be away from this situation, then trying to think off how to move out of my own house to escape this. I suppose being outside of the house felt safer for me, and also safer for Simba. Both the cats were with me outside while I sat and cried on the ground. I did not let them outside much at my own house, as this neighbourhood had more traffic than my parents house, but the cats seemed to like the serenity of being outside.

I let the cats out a bit more often. Even so, I tried to watch the cats to stay in the backyard, but as cats are, they can get away pretty fast. One of those times, Simba left and did not come back. He had jumped the fence once or twice before, and come back after a day or two, but this time was different. He was not coming back. I called for him, I stomped around in the woods looking for him, but I could not find him. I posted online looking for him. I looked at the animal shelter. I was not finding him.

At some point when the cat went missing I had a ghost dream with him…

Simba was huge, but photorealistic; if I spread out my arms, I could not fully wrap my arms side to side across his chest. He did not say anything. He simply stayed still and let me hug him and cry. I kept saying, “I miss you so much.” I hugged him and kind of dug my face into his fur.

Man, this dream is so powerful, any time I think of it I start crying and my throat hurts, even now. If you haven’t had such a dream, I don’t think you could understand how it could feel more real than life, but it did. Don’t take my word for it if you think it’s bogus. Maybe one day you’ll have such a dream, but perhaps not all people will have such a life planned out for them.

I did not understand it directly as it was happening, but the cat was offering me closure and saying good bye to me so I would not keep searching. I knew he was dead after the dream, but I guess part of me hoped I was wrong and still would look and call for him, hoping against all odds he would come home. Perhaps, the loss of the cat helped me to see how bad that guy was; Simba would have been okay being an indoor cat, if only his home was still safe to sleep in. I soon left the guy. After I left the guy, Lily went missing too, I thought she went to look for her brother. Any time I would call for Simba in the backyard, she would start meowing in synch with me.

I later had a pet medium tell me that Simba was killed by a wild animal while he was asleep in the green belt behind the yard. Lily was trapped in someone’s house, but well fed; she wanted to come home to me, but the other human would not let her out of the house. I did not plan to have another cat again, but this current cat I call Pippin walked into my house last Halloween and has been coming back every since. I made the promise to him that I would always let him out when he asked, as part of my pact to be an indoor cat. I wanted to make sure if he had another family, he could always walk back to them at his own will.

Alien Dreams

I have had a few dreams with aliens that felt more real than imaginative dreams, so I will try to re-cap them here. I will also note, that I always thought it was completely bogus when I heard other people communicate with aliens while meditating, so naturally karma would show me otherwise…

Not a majorly Earth-shattering dream, but still, an encounter.

My mom and my astrologer, of all people were in a common area; it seemed like a high-school like cafeteria. A presentation of some sort was starting in the room over, through the double doors. Most of the people went over into that other room. I did not. Someone sat next to me and had my attention; it looked like a normal human. I was telepathically talking to him and he mentioned he was 1/17th alien, which was an oddly specific amount. I did not analyze it much in the dream, as it felt ‘good’ to be sitting near him. It was a specific ‘good’ feeling, not be be confused with a sexually good feeling at this point. As the people cleared from that main room to the other, and there was less people around, I got busy with the person, not really caring about who all was watching. For a few weeks following that dream, I was in love/lust with this person, lol.

This one was definitely an outreach worth noting…

I did not visually see the aliens but they communicated telepathically. I think they were more focused on the message, than wanting to scare me with how they looked specifically. It moreso ‘felt’ what they were saying, but my human brain was translating into words humans can comprehend. They showed me a cartoon picture of the globe, kind of like a cheap Rocko’s Modern Life style drawing, the visual pulled out from the globe, and then the globe was in the frame of an old-school cartoon style TV, like one of those old 4:3 ones with an antennae.

The TV rotated to a side profile, and then this cartoony video-camera, on a metal folding frame, and with a goofy looking shoe was there. It felt like the camera was delivering the video feed to the aliens, wherever in space they were; sure the camera looked goofy, but it seemed powerful in the distances it could transmit. It could have even been the case that the camera was here, while the aliens were watching from afar. The metal frame extended from the boot, just a bit to push the camera directly on the glass of the screen for a front-row view of the planet.

The message I got from this was that, “they were watching us very closely and were very concerned.” That was it. No suggestions on what to do, just that they were concerned. It kind of reminds me of when a friend or parent won’t force your hand at any action, and hopes you take care of yourself.

Why did they use a cartoon? It was a simple form of visual communications. If they were trying to talk to me, they needed to use objects that were clear, obvious, and understandable to me as the viewer. Simpler objects leave less room for misinterpretation. They also got to take out the scary-factor, by using simple cartoon objects, vs getting me confused with their specific technology.

aliens watching earth on TV
I don’t think I got the boot looking goofy enough, but for demonstration sake, this should be good enough.

Day Dreams / Waking Dreams

Your eyes don’t have to be closed to dream. This is probably less common today, since there is less room for a mind to wander with a smart phone in your hands, but it can happen. You start to relax and either have literal visions or hidden visions play out in your head, as whatever is going around you might be boring.

Past Life / Alternative Life Dreams

I am not certain I can remember anything like this exactly. The closest thing seems to be my dream I had, written about in the ‘conscious dreams’ section about living on a different planet.

I have had dreams perhaps of life in a future point of time, but since it is in the future, it is difficult to verify. I basically lived on a real shitty version of Earth. There was little plant life. Most everything was sand except for a section that was fenced off that we lived in in a tree-like club house. At some point, a living tornado monster approached and tried to breach the fence line. Is this from a ruined version of Earth? Not sure.

Spiritual Dreams

I know this might sound as bizarre and redundant as saying “dream dreams,” but bare with me.

The other night I had a dream which started off as a fleeting dream, doing things in my journalism basement classroom at highschool, but it then changed. I actually wrote down the dream on my phone and sent it to me, so I will paste that down here,

I just had a dream where I exited the high school journalism room basement to go to the Yanaguana River. I’ve had other dreams where I swim and rode the flow in  the river successfully and easily. This time, I wanted to do the same. I wanted to ride the current downstream through the city to downtown. I entered the water under an Adobe Bridge, and there were more bridges ahead, so the river was kind of dark with shadows. I also saw the slope of the river going downhill. Before I let myself go with the current, the river began to swell up and back stream into a bulge. It began telepathically speak, listing the names of tribes that used to swim there and then it said I could no longer swim there because the government blocked off access. It then grew more in size and looked like the water was going to go backwards to my direction, so I scrambled, got out from under the bridge and hoped onto a pillar on the sidewalk, belly first, to get out of its way. The river was angry that it was blocked and couldn’t flow freely downhill (dams).

As I woke up, I still wanted to ride the currents of the river and had to remember this is not allowed in waking life.

I semi-joked to a friend when re-caping the dream to him that when I woke up, I had to remember the laws or nature and the city; water won’t talk to me and it is illegal to swim in the San Antonio river in this century. The next morning, I joked to my friend that I had to remember that ‘time was a thing’ as I entered my body when telling him about another dream-end. It is kind of funny, like I suppose when you play a video game and log into a server, you have to adhere to the rules of the server upon connection.

Anyways, since I was dreaming about the spirit of the river, that is why I call it a spiritual dream. I suppose it could be a communication or ghost dream too, as all things on this planet have a spirit, we just might be too narrow minded to realize it as humans in this time and country.

I had another spiritual dream, that mixes in some aspects of the categories. Like most of these whacky dreams, they sprung up with me not setting out for such an outcome. I don’t remember how it started, but I do remember a key moment where I felt my spirit guides were around or near me. I did not see them in body form, but I seemed to look at them anyways. I also remember a part where I kind of shimmy-danced, stretched my arms up, and then I saw my rainbow layered dress on me. I still intend to sew that dress sometime.

How to Dream

Get more sleep!

I think most people are chronically sleep deprived. They work too much, and sacrifice sleep to fit every chore into their day. If you don’t get some quality shut-eye, you can’t dream very well, or recall. You are mostly focused on survival, rather than thriving and exploring.

Be mindful of what you watch / read

Watching shows with a lot of violence, riots, murders can infect your dreams and make them more stressful. Stressful dreams might not be enjoyable and might not be a good launching board for the ‘good’ dreams you are questing for.

I remember I was watching a show with a bloody sword seen on Netflix, and that night I had a dream with a bloody sword scene, so it was clear to be careful og what I took in during the day.

Sometimes I have dreams where I heal people or act as a medium instead of bloody dreams.

Look for Dream Signs

For me, fish in aquariums tend to come up, especially fish that multiple, or float out of the aquarium water. Electronics also don’t work as expected, where it is a phone, screen or oddly superficially and frequently, my Tesla Model 3 car. Wording on the screens might change, or the car might have a mind of it’s own driving places I did not summon it too, or going missing.

Wording on signs or books can change or be incomprehensible.

Basically, look for things that don’t make sense. You will find them. I think this is because you are projecting your reality, and since details are that important to your processor, they change.

Ask yourself if you are dreaming and how did you get there repeatedly through out your waking day.

Write Down Your Dreams Before Your feet leave the bed.

There is some sort of spatial memory. Your body was in the bed while your spirit was flying over a lake or breathing under water. Once your move from the space, it can be more difficult to remember. It’s like you have to move those dream memories from your RAM to your hard drive, and the transfer can take a minute or two, so don’t rush it. Think about the dreams, were there more than one? What happened before? What happened after? Did you see? Did you taste?

Even if you forget the dreams, sometimes laying in bed at night again can bring back the memory. I am sure there has been a time where you washed dishes and heard a song, and the next time you washed dishes, you remembered the song. Again, that spacial memory can be there in your bed, which is even more reason to not watch TV in bed, as to not create competing memories to recall.



About Ellice Sanchez

I am a graphic designer, artist, tarot card reader and a reiki practitioner (I don't like the limiting sound of master). I enjoy helping people in the ways they are ready to receive help. View all posts by Ellice Sanchez →

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