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Gratitude and Mindful Thinking to Incarnate Your Wishes

Posted on by Ellice Sanchez

Gratitude and Mindful Thinking to Incarnate Your Wishes

I wanted to share how lucky I am. Everyday I feel like I am living the dream, and then the next day after that becomes more wonderful. Occasionally, there may be a speed bump, but overall life is so great.

I credit this to help from my spirit guides and a girl named Twyla. Some years ago, to say I was not doing well would not emphasize of how bad things were. I won’t try to dive deep into this, but to give you an idea, I was in an emotional/financially abusive relationship and I had considered abandoning the house that I owned on my own, or kind of hoping to get hit by a car or get sick, as a means of passive escape.

At some point I decided to change things and take back my power. One of the things I did was work with a spiritual coach and my spirit guides. One of the recommended steps was to first define what I did want my life to be like, and then to start believing it. As I began to believe it, it was true. Almost like a chicken and the egg question, which comes first? Well, in this plane of existence, if you believe something to be true, it is; it manifests on this plane. I had a big wish list…. shall we say have-list. I will try to recall some of them now:

  • I have a job a love where I feel respected and people appreciated for my talents.
  • My clients appreciate and respect my designs.
  • I have clients that enjoy my talent and seek me out. I don’t even have to advertise to find them.
  • I make enough money to pay my bills with ease and I don’t have to even think about it.
  • I am loved and appreciated by my friends and family.
  • I have time to do what I want, when I want.
  • I am an intuitive person and can talk to spirit when I want.
  • I have a Tesla.

Honestly, I don’t think this is the complete list, it was some years ago ago that I made it. Oddly enough, I never wrote it down. I knew it in my head and I repeated is many times, particularly when I was sitting in my bath tub.

There’s two keys to the list:

Don’t Be So Specific

I did not realize it at first, but during this time I got a job offer. Now, I needed money to re-claim my power and support myself, but I was fixed on the idea of making money through freelance work only. One of the aspects of the bad relationship I was in was the guy wanted to control my business as another way to control me, so freelance would not have been as successful and difficult to be possible since the guy wanted to sabotage me (to make me more dependent on him).

I had worked to make list list as open as possible on some points, so when I said, “I make enough money to pay my bills with ease and I don’t have to even think about it,” I left wiggle room for spirit to work. The way I would get lots of money, easily, and free from the reigns of the guy, was to get a job.

My job offer was for the amount I had recently stated I wanted in a conversation of how much money I wanted to live comfortably (65k). And what did I do? I turned the job offer down! I actually turned in down two or three times, but the director/ person in charge of hiring for the position was determined to get me.

I was doing freelance work for the company, and I ran into the accounting department to pick up a sorely needed check. I just planned on dashing in and out, and did not plan on talking to anyone in the tech team that I was working with, but the manager gave me another generous offer. This time I was offered the great pay AND the ability to leave any time during a work day, without an hour cap, to meet my clients as needed. It really made no sense to not take it, so I did. To boot, I was wearing some clubbing clothes when I got the job offer, so I really felt I could not dress to odd-ball when in the office.

As soon as I got home and told the guy I was living with about my decision; he did insist that I would regret it and not want to do it. Even I thought to myself, I would just work for maybe 3 months and then quit, but I did not.

When I started producing designs in the office, everyone loved them and treated them like gold.

Be Specific

My wish list have-list was pretty long. One of the line items was to have a Tesla.

I knew I wanted one since the lower priced 35k price was advertised (also note, the price ended up being a few bucks short of 50k, but anyways). I was still used to being a poor person, the “poor” mindset of squirreling away money for another day and not enjoying TODAY. I even said out loud, as I spent more hundreds of dollars on wear-and-tear repairs to my car that I probably would not get a new one until this was completely broken. Well, I said, and the universe had no choice but to follow my command.

I think it might have even been that same month that I was in a car accident, on my favourite day, Halloween. I had just wrapped up a client job and was very happy. I was driving home and excited to pass out candy that night. On the way home, there was a construction area. The shoulder was blocked off with a cement wall, and there was bumper to bumper traffic, but it was flowing smoothly, until it was not. For whatever reason, all the traffic went to a hard stop. I stopped just in time and was relieved. I was pretty close to nipping the car in front of me, but luckily I had new tires and brakes.

The car behind me did not stop in time. It bumped into me. I was not mad or anything, but it was something I did not see coming (see my post about my tarot card of the day). I got out of the car saw my car was damaged and asked the other driver if they were okay. Since we were on a highway, I took a photo of her license plate and asked the other driver to follow me off the highway to wait for the cops.

As the insurance stuff was getting dealt with, I realized what I had done by manifesting a situation to wake me up to by my dream car. I realized, regardless of if the car was totaled or salvageable, I still would like a new car, so the next day while I was at my friend’s house waiting for him to get ready to go to dinner, I bought a car from my phone. I had the money, and I had the desire. All it took was for me to push that button.


In both cases, the universe presents it’s opportunities, but you have to take the final step and grab what you want.

I literally feel like I have everything that I want. It is as simple as defining what you want, and then realizing you already have it. If you have the thing in the future, you also have it now, as time does not exist. That is the key to truly believing something from your have-list to reality.

If you try this and don’t have instant results, be patient. Sometimes bigger wishes require the spirit world to pull more strings in your favour.

If something is still not happening, make sure you aren’t wishing to control someoneĀ  else’s will (I wish Bob would date me), because his free will can’t be forced by the universe. You may also want to broaden up your request so it is not so narrow, like to say, “I feel loved,” or “I have satisfying sex.” Those open-ended aspects leave spirit room to work it’s magic.

I hope this helps. I do encourage you to try making a have-list.

About Ellice Sanchez

I am a graphic designer, artist, tarot card reader and a reiki practitioner (I don't like the limiting sound of master). I enjoy helping people in the ways they are ready to receive help. View all posts by Ellice Sanchez →

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