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So, I Guess I Saw God?

Posted on by Ellice Sanchez

So, I Guess I Saw God?

You know, it is really strange to me that I would see “God,” as I don’t see myself as a god-worshipper or very comfortable with the name, “God,” but it seems to be what happened to me. In fact, I am more likely to use the words, “Universe,” or “Spirit,” than to use the capital, “G-O-D.” Once a few years back while meditating with a rose quartz crystal, I heard “angel” music despite not believing in angels either, so why not this God-thing in 2021.

I was working a lot, juggling client assignments and trying to make sure I clocked in enough time for my hourly job to pay the bills, so I was tired. It was Halloween, so I did want to take the afternoon and evening to celebrate my favourite holiday. I thought I would go lay down for a few minutes and get back on my feet to start putting out the decorations for the trick-or-treaters. I was also missing someone who happened to give me a chakra stone set, so I decided to lay that on me or near me when I laid down, not so much for any spaced-out experience, but because I missed the person who gave me the gift.

So anyways, I fell asleep. Even though the sun was starting to lower through my bedroom window, because of the time of the year south-orienting, so it was not directly out my window.

In my dream, I jumped out of my body and was in my bedroom. Then I was like, “I better do something interesting,” as I knew it was an astral projection, and I was free to do what I want. In previous experiences, I visited a person, or traveled to places to perform super human feats like flying or breathing under water. I was not sure what I would do this time, but before I got started, I wanted to verify this was indeed an astral projection so I would not hurt my 3D body.

I moved into my living room and saw the glass window. I was not sure if I was awake or not, so I pressed my head against the window thinking of I was in-spirit, I would just slide through the glass. This was working, but as soon as it worked, I lost attention on that and then I saw what I assumed was the sun outside my window but as I looked closer, it started to look like an illustration of then sun directly out my living room window; it looked like the artistic style of Rider-Waite tarot card style drawing with the word “God,” conveniently under it. (Even though the tarot card deck as a “Sun” card, this God drawing did not look like that.) Looking back at the label, it is almost comical, but I am always asking Spirit to send me clear messages that would negate any doubt or confusion that I might have. Also, during this time of year the real sun was south of the window, so this light I was seeing could not have been the bright sun light that I was seeing.

As I continued to look at it, it went visually bizarre like a hippie look and went really wild. I noticed other spirits around me; they were like ambiguous semi-humanoid light beings. Everyone wanted to move closer to the God light ball; there was no question about it. I remember getting closer and things getting brighter, but I don’t remember anything after that. I do wish I remembered more. I am sure on some level I have subconscious memories that may even trigger déjà vu at some point in time.

I think that I got a call from my mom to talk about the Halloween festivities, so I woke up to answer the call. It was an odd stumbling around my house then. I was trying to reconcile seeing “God” while trying to get ready for Halloween. I also slept with my backdoor open to try to woo an outdoor cat into my house, and the cat was sleeping dead-center under my bed while I was napping on the top part of my bed. It does make sense to have such an astral projection on Halloween, as this is the time of year when the veil between the 3D world and spirit is the thinnest.

I worked-up virtual drawings of what I saw. I am an artist after-all. Photography is great for capturing images from physical life, but when the images are elsewhere, one must bring them to reality with their own hands.


About Ellice Sanchez

I am a graphic designer, artist, tarot card reader and a reiki practitioner (I don't like the limiting sound of master). I enjoy helping people in the ways they are ready to receive help. View all posts by Ellice Sanchez →

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