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New Product Listings Coming Soon

Posted on by Ellice Sanchez

New Product Listings Coming Soon

Working on the technical and design part of my website was the easy piece for this graphic designer. The tough part came when trying to photograph a massive amount of photographs.

I am trained in photography and as I already knew, can be a perfectionist. I took photos with natural lighting, but it was not bright enough and cause too slow of photo. I then bought studio lights. That helped things out a lot, but I kept finding photos being 1% out of focus or off in some way when I looked at the photo on the computer. I imagine that if a photo looks bad, people won’t want to pay for my products, so I highly scrutinize the photos.

My next step was to tether my camera to my computer. I had a small 5 foot cord, but it was not helping. I ended up having to buy a 15 foot cord. With that cord, I finally got photos that I light without any reservations.

So now I am working on editing the photos for placement onto the shop page. 🙂


About Ellice Sanchez

I am a graphic designer, artist, tarot card reader and a reiki practitioner (I don't like the limiting sound of master). I enjoy helping people in the ways they are ready to receive help. View all posts by Ellice Sanchez →

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